Living Space

Andrea Shelton

Before the unfolding of recent events, my work had been focused upon how we exhibit photographs within our own domestic living spaces. The importance of this topic has become evermore strengthened now, as present day ever changing restrictions have raised the importance of personal living space evermore so. We have been asked to withdraw from social interaction, spending large amounts of our time within our own space.
Our Living spaces are charged with presenting chosen aspects of family life and loved ones’ consequently creating part of our own, unique, self-representational identity. Negotiating the interaction between physical object and emotional memory traces.These spaces represent, present day, inhabited, and loved homes. Yet looking into these spaces, without personal invitation, can evoke a feeling of awkward fascination and comparison.
Whilst we could choose whom to invite into our spaces and view them, we also diligently choose what aspects to present, curate and share.

Artist biography

2019 Free Range Gallery - Brick Lane, London E1 6QL
2019 Worthing Artists Open Houses
2019 Greater Brighton Metropolitan Solo Exhibition
2018 St Nicholas - Bramber Charity Exhibition
2018 Worthing Artist Open Houses
2018 Salon Des Refuses - Happenstance Gallery London
2018 The Royal Academy London Summer Exhibition - shortlisted
2018 Pallant House Gallery Exhibition Chichester
2017 Worthing Artist Open Houses
2017 Open 16 Worthing Museum and Art Gallery Exhibition
2017 Northbrook Metropolitan College Solo Exhibition
2016 Worthing Artist Open Houses
2016 Northbrook Metropolitan College Exhibition
2015 Brighton Artists Open Houses
