Made to Be Loved

Cecilia Di Paolo

‘Made to be Loved’ began with the intent of creating a dystopian future.
I am creating an emerging cultural fictive fantasy by performing aspects of fulfilment, loneliness and love. Everyday narratives are played out in heterotopian spaces that act as metaphors for the posthuman body.

Sex dolls, they concern the contemporary world, where technology is evolving at a quick speed and we are falling into antisocial behaviours that are pulling us away from the norm of social life.
The possibility of falling in love with an object is real.

Nowadays, humans create strong relationships with their pets, cell phones or personal object. This concerns the contemporary world, where technology is evolving massively and we are falling into antisocial behaviours that are pulling us away from the norm of social life.

There different kind of love to comprehend. The theory of ‘Transference’, introduced by Sigmund Freud, has a big part in the understanding of the shift from the maternal to romantic love.

Are robots and Doll better than people?

Artist biography

Cecilia Di Paolo’s body of work, primarily realised through photography, film and performance, explores and deconstructs cultural notions of intimacy, tenderness and love through a dystopian lens.

At the heart of Cecilia’s work is the intensely human pursuit of connection; a reimagined line between artwork and audience, reaching out and inviting you to affix yourself with the work, fulfilled through the tactility of her still life and self portraiture.
