
Claudia Bigongiari

“Roots” makes you think about everything, where you are, with who, who you are (because of what your roots have decided, branching off).
I come from the sea, in Italy, and I feel Italian and 'marine' when I put my feet in the water every year for the first time. But I always preferred the pool to the sea because infinite things scare me while what is contained in a space reassure me.
There aren't roots in the sea, the coast is the point where the land stops branching and mixes with water.
Your roots tell a little about you, where are you? In Italy. With who? My family, the people I love. Who are you? We are our most traumatic events because they are the ones that will always remain rooted within us. When I was seven I experienced a violence, it was summer, I was on the beach, not mine, another one, behind a petrol station. Two months ago my dad discovered a disease that he used to call "bad penny”. I lost him, while I was documenting this event. We tend to forget, especially traumas, yet that weed stays there with its roots.

Artist biography

Italian photographer (born in 1994) she focuses on silent spaces and suspending moments, waitings.
She usually does not seek out or plan her photographs, they happen. She is driven to take pictures because of an interruption she perceives, a personal need or event to make her visions and memories come to life, having a non-existent conversation with what is around. Non defined conditions of space and time, in-betweens that fascinate her mind. There is only a fleeting trace of human being in her photography, instead her presence is always perceivable.

She has elected photography as the platform of her questions.
