Open Call: In Between Gallery, Fabrica

Open Call to Artists Working
In Photographic Media
In Between Gallery, Fabrica
Deadline: 12 noon on Friday 30 October 2020
The In Between Gallery is a temporary exhibition platform for Fabrica’s picture window in central Brighton. This exciting initiative is now in its fourth year.
Fabrica is partnering with Spectrum Photographic, Photo Fringe and Loupe Magazine to present excellent photographic work by UK-based artists who consider themselves to be early to mid-career.
There is no theme to address, but artists are asked to submit a work that will function well within the context of a large format print set within the window frame. Measurements are approximately: 270cm x 225.5cm.
The window faces directly onto Duke Street, one of Brighton’s busiest pedestrianised quarters, located between The Lanes and Churchill Square - two very popular shopping destinations. The main city-centre pubs and clubs are also nearby, so the street is normally busy into the evening and throughout the night.
The image would be exhibited from early December 2020 – mid-February 2021 when there is no large-scale exhibition in Fabrica’s main space.
One artist/artist group and one image will be selected.
Information about the selected artist and the image will be featured on the Fabrica website and via promotional materials produced by Fabrica, Photo Fringe, Spectrum and Loupe.
Fabrica will pay a small exhibition fee of £150 to the selected artist..
Submissions must be received by Fabrica no later than 12 noon on Friday 30th October 2020. The selected artist will be notified by 5pm, 9 November.
To apply
Send an email to containing the information as specified below. Please put IN BETWEEN GALLERY SUBMISSION 2020 in the email subject line.
Applications must be in English. Only one image may be submitted. Images can be existing or new work. Applications must contain:
- 1 Low-res image (jpg or png)
- Title and contextual information concerning the image (doc or pdf)
- Biography/CV (doc or pdf)
- A link to the applicants’ website where a range of work can be seen.
Equal Opportunities
Fabrica operates a policy of equality opportunity and fair treatment. We would be grateful if you could complete and return this form with your application although completion is voluntary. The information you provide will be used for statistical monitoring purposes only and will not be distributed to the assessment panel.
Image: In Between Open Call winner 2019 Julien Bonnin - 'Studio Aftermath 2016'